SEO Generator

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Using Elementor with SEO Generator

Step 1

Check if you have version 2.2.0 SEO Generator (or newer). SEO Generator is partially compatible with Elementor (in some blocks the shortcodes will not work).

Step 2

Enable the SEO Generator post type in Elementor > Settings.

Step 3

Create your new SEO Generator page. Fill out these fields to get started. This is the same for regular SEO Generator pages as for SEO Generator pages you design with Elementor.

Step 4

Design your page with Elementor: click on the blue button ‘Edit with Elementor’ on the SEO Page.

Just to be sure, you can use Elementor from within a SEO Generator page, but you can’t use the placeholders in other pages or posts you create with Elementor. The SEO Generator shortcodes only work with SEO Pages.

You can use the placeholders [search_term] and [location] in most Elementor blocks. In some blocks the shortcodes will not work (due to an inconsistancy in the way these block are built in Elementor).


All placeholders will be replaced with the actual search terms and locations for those pages.

You can also use elements like Accordion. The [search_term] and [location] placeholders will replaced automatically.