SEO Generator

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How to install the SEO Generator WP plugin

SEO Generator is a plugin for WordPress. Simply put, WordPress plugins are like apps for your WordPress website. They add new features to your WordPress website. In this manual we’ll explain how to install our WordPress plugin in your website.

Please note that, if you are using, you cannot install plugins. Furthermore, you will need administrator right to be able to install a plugin.

1. Download the plugin

After you’ve started your Free Trial via our website, you’ll be forwarded to a download page. Clicking on the download link will automatically start the download (ZIP file). At the bottom of the page you’ll find you licence key.

You will also revieve an email with both the download link and the license key.

2. Go to the Plugins page in WordPress

First, log in in your WordPress website. You will start at the Dashboard page.

Next, find the Plugins page in de menu on the left hand side. There you’ll find a list of all the plugins that are already installed in your website.

3. Upload our plugin

Click on Add New, either at the top of the page or in the menu on the left. This will show an overview of features plugins by default.

Next, click on Upload Plugin, again at the top of the page.

You will then be asked to choose a .zip file. Click on Choose File and select the file you downloaded to your computer earlier (at step 1).

4. Install and activate the plugin

Next, click on Install Now to start the installation of the plugin.

Once the installation is finished, click Active Plugin.